Getting a quotation from IVPACKS is easy - just follow the steps below:
- Register an account on our website using your email address and password of your choice HERE.
- Register your delivery address to accurately calculate shipping costs (we dont allow package pick up or collect shipping)
- Add all the items and quantities you need to your shopping cart (after registering your delivery address in the above step)
- Proceed to checkout. Select Payment by Bank Transfer or Payment by Check.
- Cmplete the order online and confirm your order / hit submit.
You will receive an Order Confirmation code (quotation) that consists of a string of letters. This order confirmation code will be your quotation and is valid for 7 days from the day the submission was made. If approved, we can then send you an invoice to pay by PayPal or by Bank Transfer. If you wish to pay by credit card, you need to repeat the process and pay with credit card through the online checkout process (same as above steps).